“Café Bubamara is delighting the senses of New Jersey with the taste of Balkan cuisine” Eyewitness NewsBy Miguel AmayaEyewitness News
“Immigrant Owner Of Clifton Cafe: Dreams Sometimes Come True” Daily VoiceLauren Kidd FergusonDaily Voice
“Top 50 Places to Eat in North Jersey 2019” Boozy BurbsBergen Eateries Make Yelp Top Places to Eat List for 2019BoozyBurbs
“…the menu takes a deeper look at the cuisine and offers much more than the most famous simple dishes.” Eat The World NYCCafé BubamaraEat The World NYC
Uspomene iz SFRJ, Aleksandar “oživio” na “zastavi 750” ″FIĆA″ iz Titograda HIT u AMERICICafe BubamaraKolektiv.me
Uspomene iz SFRJ Aleksandar Milić je ovekovečio na zastavi 750 koju je prebacio u SAD FIĆA IZ TITOGRADA ATRAKCIJA U NjU DžERSIJUCafe BubamaraNovosti.rs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJSlGOe9bPc Highest Rated Balkan Food in My Area (Cafe Bubamara - Clifton NJ)Cafe Bubamara